Why You Should Consider a Double Opt-In When Running A Sweepstakes

By: Julie Link | In: Best Practices, Contests, Marketing

The collection of personally identifying information (PII) is currently a contentious issue. Companies have been proactively taking steps to ensure that their customers’ information is secure. With recent changes in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the newly-passed privacy law in California, it is now a legal requirement to secure consumers data for anyone who collects information in the EU. This will also go into affect in California in 2020. The goal of most sweepstakes is to collect email opt-ins. This is why it is important to make sure you are following the guidelines. Below we discuss why you should consider a double opt-in when running a sweepstakes.

What is a double opt-in? When entering a sweepstakes, consumers have the option to receive emails from the sponsor. With a double opt-in, after choosing to opt-in during the entry process, the entrant will receive an email with a link that they must follow in order to confirm that they are indeed interested in receiving future email communications from the sponsor.

While some brands may not like the idea of a double opt-in, there are some benefits:


Most importantly, the double opt-in process will ensure you are following the data privacy regulations set forth by the EU with the GDPR and the new law in California. Keep in mind even with the double opt-in process, you must make it easy for your subscriber to opt-out at any time.

Increases the value of your email list       

Compliance is important, but not the only benefit. When consumer takes the extra step to confirm their email address, it strengthens your email list because you know this person is legitimately interested in receiving your emails. It also leads to less email bounce backs and opt-outs.

Leads to Increased click throughs           

Building on the value of the email list, when a person chooses to follow through with the double opt-in, it leads to increased opens and click throughs for your emails. Why? Because they are indicating that they are truly interested in your company and products/services.  Click throughs lead to sales, period.

As mentioned, compliance is the most important reason why you should consider a double opt-in when running a sweepstakes. Laws often change so it’s important to know what is legally required. That is why it’s a good idea to consult the experts. Consider reaching out to Sync for your next sweepstakes and we will guide you on all things relating to the collection of PII.

Why You Should Consider a Double Opt-In When Running A Sweepstakes